Why House Cleaning in the Fall is so Important
Not only does conducting annual fall cleaning prepare your home for winter, but it also has many health benefits. Having a clean home is proven to make you feel less stressed because everything is easier to find and it’s a relief to return to a haven that is organized and tidy. It also prevents pest infestations and other harmful substances from making themselves comfortable in your space, especially since they will be seeking refuge from the cold weather. Your home’s overall appeal is improved when it is cleaned and inspected annually, making it a more enjoyable place to be for your family and your guests.
Whether you are preparing your home for holiday guests or the winter weather, our fall cleaning checklist will help you choose how to best preserve and protect your home and belongings during the winter months.
Your Ultimate Fall Cleaning Checklist
Inside the Home
- Wash all the windows. Save this chore for a cloudy day, as it will be easier to spot any streaks.
- Clean and organize all kitchen cabinets. This will come in handy when you’re ready for holiday cooking.
- Vacuum your refrigerator’s coils.
- De-clutter and organize all the closets.
- De-clutter and clean the attic and/or basement.
- Check the carbon monoxide and smoke detectors to ensure they are in good working order.
- Replace your furnace filter if you haven’t already done so within the past 3 months, especially if you use a lot of heat during the winter.
- Buy at least 3 furnace filters for you to change monthly during the winter season.
- Drain the sediment from hot water heaters.
- Check your dryer’s tubes for any excess lint. This could cause dryer fires!
- If you haven’t had the carpet professionally cleaned this year, do so now!
- Clean the whole family’s bedding at least once every month.
- Vacuum and spot-clean any upholstered furniture.
- Sweep out the chimney in preparation for winter.
Outside the Home
- Check and clean any fallen leaves from the gutters.
- Spray off and/or clean any outdoor furniture.
- Check the exterior paint and touch up as needed. It will make for pleasant curb appeal during the winter.
- Inspect external doors (garage doors, front doors, etc.) and install weather-stripping as needed.
- Drain and put away the garden hoses.
- In high-freeze areas, have sprinkler systems drained of all water.
Call ServiceMaster of Columbia to schedule a carpet cleaning for you home or business! We would love the opportunity to serve you. Call 573.443.8383.
Source: SM of Redmond